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The Language of Light

The Language of Light is a body of sculptures inspired by my curiosity and admiration of how life grows. Everything that grows has a downward movement, rooted into the earth, and an upward movement towards the light.

The sun is the mother of all plants. Everything that grows reaches for the light.


Click on an image or scroll below to see additional images of each sculpture

The Intention of the Language of Light series

This downward rooting and upward reaching creates the alignment between the worlds. As a healer at work, I also ground into my feet with my roots to hold the vertical current, open my heart, and allow my hands to manifest in the horizontal plane.

Plants in all their varieties follow the same movement.

I envision this body of work to exist among plants, in a public garden or greenhouse perhaps, to create an environment inspired by the magic possibilities of nature. 

These creatures evoke a sense of wonder—of something that has once lived or wants to come to life.

That tension between: 

before and after

past and future

inhale and exhale

death and life

hidden and becoming

That feeling of suspension: 

what is this?

who created it? 

where am I?

how did I get here?


In collaboration with nature, the elements, plants, and sound, the Language of Light sculptures create a world where everything can grow and all creatures have voice. Together they will sing to you and create a reciprocal environment.


This series is a work in progress and I would like to bring it into the world and share the magical and unlimited possibilities of LIGHT, SOUND, LOVE and LIFE and receive your feedback.


The sculptures are pictured below, thanks to photography by Sam Oomen-Lochtefeld and Anna Nicholas, and are accompanied by poems with the help of Alisa Clemens. 


Between Suffer & Joy

Open Vessels 
